つい先日、Googleより2021/7/1からGoogle Playでの年間100万米ドル(約1億円)以下の収益について、手数料を従来の30%から15%に値下げすると発表がありました。
Starting on July 1, 2021 we are reducing the service fee Google Play receives when a developer sells digital goods or services to 15% for the first $1M (USD) of revenue every developer earns each year. With this change, 99% of developers globally that sell digital goods and services with Play will see a 50% reduction in fees. These are funds that can help developers scale up at a critical phase of their growth by hiring more engineers, adding to their marketing staff, increasing server capacity, and more.
これは、今年始めから適用されているApp Storeにおける措置と同様のものとなります(App Storeの場合は中小企業に限定されていますが、Google Playの場合は規模の縛りはありません)。